Spider-Woman: Other Titles

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Marvel Team-Up 97


DOCTOR OF MADNESS: As a bounty hunter, Spider-Woman goes to Jude, New Mexico to find a convict, Johnny Yen in order to bring him back to Los Angeles for a trial. The Sheriff points SW to a villa clinic ten miles north of Jude where she finds Yen as part of a human/animal experiment. Suddenly SW is attacked by animal-like creatures and finds herself being captured by Dr. W. Lee Benway, who tells SW that he is experimenting with transferring brains of criminals to his animal-like creations. Benway has also managed to capture the Hulk and has turned him back to Bruce Banner. He is interested in testing the gamma radiation in Banner’s body and needs to perform a lobotomy on Banner to prevent him from turning into the Hulk. SW tries to escape and manages to free the unconscious Banner but ends up running into a dead end. She slaps Banner to try to wake him but instead wakes up the Hulk. As Benway orders his creatures to attack, the Hulk ends up smashing the creatures and revealing to SW that the creatures are robots.

As the events get out of control, SW calls Walsh at the LAPD to send for the Arizona State Patrol. Meanwhile Benway and crew are escaping. SW pursues and manages to stop Benway with her venom blast. However the Sheriff who is working for Benway shoots SW with a stun gun and takes her down. The Sheriff moves in closer and wants to shoot SW at point blank range. But at the same time, the Hulk gets tired of smashing the robot creatures and starts smashing shelves full of chemicals. The chemical reaction creates an explosion that flatten the whole villa. The Sheriff gets knocked down with flying debris from the blast. And as SW recovers from the stun gun, she shoots the sheriff with her venom blast. The state patrol arrive and the Hulk crawls out of rubble then leaps away.

POWERS: SW’s venom blast somehow managed to take down one of the robots creatures but also managed to exhaust the her venom charge.


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